RPG Land
Game Reviews

Here's my opinion on the latest games...


Game Reviews
Game of the month

Each time I play a new game, I'll post a review of it here. Here's an example of a format I might use.

Planet of the Apes: The Next Generation
Published by Euclid Software
Platform: PC

System requirements:

Windows 95/98
32MB Ram
280MB hard disk space
2MB video card
3D accelerator

Game description and comments:

This is a basic fighting game that just happens to use a "Planet of the Apes" theme. Good graphics, some decent splatter (it's ESRB rated Mature), but overall not very imaginative.

Ratings (scale of 1-10):

Graphics: 8
Sound effects and music: 5
Originality: 3
Challenge: 6
Overall: 5

List of Reviews

To make this page easy to scan, I might list all the games I've reviewed here.