RPG Land
Game of the month

The best, in my humble opinion...


Game Reviews
Game of the month

The game of the month for June is Final Fantasy 3j.

I first started playing this game when the translation patch came out, and I have loved it ever since. This game is very unique, because you can change your classes when ever you want, and use skills and techniques learned from one class with another class. But you just don't pick up the abilities automatically, you have to go through levels, much like you do in any other RPG, and learn more powerful skills along the way.

I'll be sure to include lots of screenshots so you get a good sense of the game.


If this is a story-driven game, I'll include a plot outline here (or at least as much of it as I've managed to figure out).

Game Creators

Developer: Square Japan
Publisher: Square Japan
Year Released:1990
Releases: Japan Only
English Translation: Amature
